Hi, I've moved all
the motorcycle and Suzuki Hayabusa content from this website back home!
Check out the links above.
The Suzuki Across GSX250F - Contact and Links
Here are links to other Suzuki Across related websites and email. There are not many new links as most seem to disregard the copyright on my review and copy them else where. All the latest link requests simply go to blank sites and worse actually send me template emails. So these days if I personally find any useful ones then I'll post it. None seem to have original content just rehash and reposting of my site and not even a single link back. So if you want a link make sure your website is something different. Quite simple really.
Ivan's GSX250F Maintenance Site I have removed the prior email addresses and full names of owners for privacy reasons.
Brand new Learner motorcycle reviews
All trademarks and
copyrights held by respective owners.
Submitted and public relations material also owned by their respective owners.
All other content Copyright © 1999 Peter Lee.