Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elisabeth 2 dock in Sydney Australia
Tue 20 Feb 2007Filed Under: On this day | Comments Off on Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elisabeth 2 dock in Sydney Australia
The two landmark ships dock in Sydney on the same. I didn’t realise the QE2 was so old!
Hints of running a popular site
Mon 19 Feb 2007Filed Under: Wisdom | Comments Off on Hints of running a popular site
After many years of running various BLOG type and review websites I can finally share some of my experiences which I find not many people talk about. If you are trying to do what I did with the original Hayabusa site ie a personal site. The most important thing is not to get discouraged if your site is number 10000000 in the search listings because that’s not the point. Being popular has its own problems which you may not like. So here’s a list of things you must be prepared for:
– You can’t answer 100s of emails a day.
– You will get 1000’s of spam emails every week that the spam checker won’t block.
– You can’t remember everything you’ve ever typed.
– You don’t get paid.
– Even running Ads the ROI is poor.
– You will get abusive emails form gutless wonders who don’t leave proper email contacts for a right of reply.
– You get forgotten by people who want to take the limelight and credit for some thing you help start.
– You can spend many hours and late nights trying to get a single sentence just right.
– You may get conned into promoting stuff which there is absolutely no benefit to you or anyone.
– Your stuff will get copied completely by others (your spelling errors included) despite copyright laws. Don’t worry too much because the search engines knows if your content is duplicated and they don’t rank that sort of thing highly!
– Be careful who you give permission to put your content on their site.
– Finally don’t copy other people’s hard work just link to them as thanks after all it was their work that helped you.
– Most of all show respect. If tables where turned see how you would like it.
– Be creative and original about what you want to write about. No-one likes reading the same thing over and over.
There are upsides of course!
– You get to experience and understand so many new and different points of view.
– You get genuine thanks from people you’ve never met.
– You can make a difference.
So my advise – do it for fun that’s all you should expect.
Apple Mac Mini – Issues
Wed 14 Feb 2007Filed Under: Apple Computers | Comments Off on Apple Mac Mini – Issues
As you can see I’ve transferred the content on the former BLOG site to this new one! Clearly easier to publish content than writing up webpages. That said it took a few days to sort out the back-end stuff.
Anyway, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything to do with the Mac so here’s the latest.
Mac OS is a very stable and easy to use. After many years of Windows and DOS it does take a little while to understand how it all works. The main thing I realised (after it all) was that I shouldn’t analyse too much about how the underlying OS works. Basically just run the programs and enjoy. In many ways like how the Palm OS works. As they say – it just works.
– The biggest hurdle was adjusting to the Close and Minimise window buttons on the left and not the right.
– The next was the Get Info means Properties.
– There does not appear to be Logitech software to make all the buttons on the wireless keyboard work.
Although I now understand how the Mac OS works, I can accept that updates to the OS and any other program will be very large. The reason I discovered was that in most instances it seems to replace the entire program as opposed to the bit approach for windows. I feel for those still on dail-up (USB modem) and have a Mac. On the flip side I also feel sorry for myself over the number of hours I wasted downloading updates for Windows.