Apple and Microsoft

Fri 1 Jun 2007

Filed Under: Computers | Comments Off on Apple and Microsoft

For those – real IT guys this was great event. Like them or hate them the interview with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates the founders of two great companies are now part of popular history.


Loch Ness Monster

Fri 1 Jun 2007

Filed Under: Controversy?, Current Affairs, On this day | Comments Off on Loch Ness Monster

One thing that always interests me are mysteries. Mysteries like the Loch Ness monster! You see there is proof that something exists – there various sonar and photos and documentaries proving positive or negative but nothing captured on video or photos of an actual monster.

The latest sighting was captured on home video and can be seen in this news article.

Scotland BBC

It was interesting to note that the report included a tourist aspect of the fabled monster…perhaps it is best not to find out.

I not a believer but having seen many strange things myself would like someone would conclusively prove or disprove the thing.

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