QANTAS Inflight is surly Pt.2
Mon 16 Jul 2007Filed Under: Controversy? | Comments Off on QANTAS Inflight is surly Pt.2
Ok, after a recent flight I must admit it really does depend on the plane staff roster you’re on!
So I just sat there and read my book or drafted my project papers and watched.
Out of the 6 flights I had to take all by QANTAS the first 2 where good (All male staff). The 3rd was marginal (All Male), the 4th was marginal (All female), 5th was better (Mixed) the 6th flight (All female) was surly.
So I conclude that its a mixed bag it depends on the staff rather than my comments as per my last post.
Hayabusa Site Down Pt.2
Mon 16 Jul 2007Filed Under: Website Status | Comments Off on Hayabusa Site Down Pt.2
No my domain is not for sale or has expired! They have stuffed up my registration. I’m not happy. At least I get to see the domain vultures this will be a laugh.
After much mucking around I found some information… its happened before!
Well, I well better that I’m not the only one. I thought it was because I was a small site?
Hayabusa Site is down Pt.1
Mon 16 Jul 2007Filed Under: Website Status | Comments Off on Hayabusa Site is down Pt.1
Oh dear! my Hayabusa is is down at the moment. I am working on getting it going again so pls be patient. Mind you I’m not exactly feeling the love at the moment either.