Apple Mac Migration – I’m a switcher!
Tue 4 Dec 2007Filed Under: Apple Computers, Computers, Windows Vista
Yes I took the big step of deciding to move all my development to an Apple Mac and OS X Leopard. Although familiar with the OS X via the Mac Mini it just wasn’t the right time to move with all my hopes on the anticipated Windows Vista.
After over 6 months with Vista is is clear that Microsoft has no idea and certainly nothing innovative to promote about in Vista. More to the point I now re-installed XP on my development notebook. All I own that has Vista is the poor media center with the huge specs but struggles with the mere operating system.
OS X Leopard is not perfect but it works so much better than Vista.
I will have more details about my new development platform over the coming months.
Yes the Apple Ads are right – save your XP machines and if you want a new PC try a Mac.