Apple Mac OSX Leopard issues

Thu 17 Jan 2008

Filed Under: Apple Computers, Computers 

My Mac experience so far has been good but there are a few things that needs to be improved in OSX. Probably because they annoy me more than anything else. I’ll list only OS related applications rather than applications like iWeb and iSync etc..

1. Finder – I can’t see hidden files to find out why directories are taking up so much space. There doesn’t seem to be an option anywhere!
2. Selection – It does not auto select the entire line when you click on an input box.
3. Automator does not seem to work with Spaces.
4. Maximise the window it doesn’t do it!
5. Control, Option and Command buttons is not easy to get used to.
6. No easy way to create short-cuts to programs.

That said there are lots of things that are better and Windows Vista or XP but I’ll list those in another post.


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