OSX Leopard experience
Sat 12 Jan 2008Filed Under: Apple Computers, Computers
Apple’s latest OS X is much smoother and outwardly better than Vista. The screen animations and general OS type interface is really easy to get used to. More telling was that I was trying to understand or learn how to do things like uninstalling applications and so forth. So far all you have to do is to put it in the trash bin and its all done. After years of Windows I thought is that it? Surely there must be more? What about hidden folders and files? It doesn’t feel right… Yes simplicity is a thing I will have to get used to!
Another thing I have to get used to is the keyboard. I guess its caused by the design of the keyboard. I’m used to pageup, pagedown keys, end and home keys and the two types of delete. When using the OS X the Macbook doesn’t have these keys and they also don’t work in the PC way. Thankfully when I’m running the virtual XP the keyboard works the same way. In fact when using the external keyboard it become just like Windows except the special function keys are called different names.
The best features is the Spaces function which allows you to have up to 4 different desktops. When I run XP it displays on a different desktop to the Apple applications. Switching between them is really easy. Reduces clutter and trying to find the right application window which is often hidden. The Stacks application is usefully too, working much like the Windows bar on XP but I prefer Spaces.
There are a few hardware notes to make firstly the Macbook is really quiet! Both fan and hard drive make very little noise! The only time it turned on was when I was running a heavy duty graphics/music app and iTunes, and XP in the various environments all at the same time. It resumes its near silence when running just XP even though I have lots of apps running within XP. The keyboard is feels cheap both external and the integrated keyboard.