Windows Vista in August 2008
Mon 18 Aug 2008Filed Under: Computers, Windows Vista
My experience with Vista has not improved. Yes it has been stable – but slow and stable. The issues I have with it include:
– Every time there is an OS update or patch the media center reorganizes all my TV channels.
– The current version of Internet Explorer 7 is NOT a good experience. It still has a mind of its own.
– Internet Explorer 7 is not compatible with at least 2 major banks.
– To stop me complaining about it I’ve stopped using it.
– It is still very slow on a modern PC with a ton of memory and CPU power. Yet it does not do anything more than XP except a slightly prettier interface. More to the point it costs twice as much if not more.
– I’m using Mcafee Anti-virus suite now and by gosh it’s made the PC notably faster then when installed with Norton. When I say ‘faster’ it’s relative.
– It still isn’t compatible with all the software I’m using. However I guess it’s the fault of the software developer rather than MS.
On the bright side of things Windows File Explorer is still better than the Mac OSX Finder!