Windows Vista in March 2008
Thu 13 Mar 2008Filed Under: Computers, Windows Vista | Comments Off on Windows Vista in March 2008
Windows Vista is being annoying again. I have been installing all the upgrades to Vista as they become available. However I have not seen any improvements at all. There are 2 really annoying things I’ve been trying to stop the OS from doing and have so far been unsuccessful.
1- Internet Explorer opens tabs and new windows when it wants to. It does not do what I tell it. They aren’t pop-ups or anything. This is a joke and a long running one.
2 – If you have a dial-up account Vista decides that it will be the default connection and the log in box appears when it feels like it, often when it is most annoying. I have tried everything to stop it appearing but it won’t stop it. This started when I created a new dail-up connection to be used in emergencies.
These Vista problems should not occur on a PC that has been clean installed with all the patches, with only an additional graphic editor and the MS Office package installed.
Windows Vista in February 2008
Mon 3 Mar 2008Filed Under: Computers, Windows Vista | Comments Off on Windows Vista in February 2008
I find it enthralling that MS is still in the PR market with Vista – supposedly releasing documents that focus on the lack of Vista drivers rather than the reality of using Vista, in particular Internet Explorer. The things broken whether deliberately or not is debatable.
Nevertheless I use the Vista everyday and not by choice these days but due to work and it’s still really slow requires huge amount of CPU power for no reason. For example I had to fix an old Pentium III notebook on the weekend, it was still running the original XP release from 2001. Got it going again and was so impressed with the load times and application run times. I installed XP SP2 on it and wow it actually improved things. When I checked the specs, I found only 384 megabytes of RAM! I was even more shocked when I got it on the internet and ran Mozilla and it rendered pages with Flash content in the fastest time I’ve ever seen.
Vista hasn’t improved things we’ve gone backwards.
Apple Mac Migration – I’m a switcher!
Tue 4 Dec 2007Filed Under: Apple Computers, Computers, Windows Vista | Comments Off on Apple Mac Migration – I’m a switcher!
Yes I took the big step of deciding to move all my development to an Apple Mac and OS X Leopard. Although familiar with the OS X via the Mac Mini it just wasn’t the right time to move with all my hopes on the anticipated Windows Vista.
After over 6 months with Vista is is clear that Microsoft has no idea and certainly nothing innovative to promote about in Vista. More to the point I now re-installed XP on my development notebook. All I own that has Vista is the poor media center with the huge specs but struggles with the mere operating system.
OS X Leopard is not perfect but it works so much better than Vista.
I will have more details about my new development platform over the coming months.
Yes the Apple Ads are right – save your XP machines and if you want a new PC try a Mac.