Microsoft plays Big Brother
Fri 14 Sep 2007Filed Under: Windows Vista | Comments Off on Microsoft plays Big Brother
Just what I thought – they are playing virtual god with us.
If I select to auto update I expect it work likewise if I choose not to auto update I do not expect it to do that. Now we find out that its just a ploy and Microsoft can do what ever they want.
This is ethically wrong – pro-MS users should really think hard about this sort of behavior.
Microsoft spying on you because they can!
Tue 3 Jul 2007Filed Under: Windows Vista | Comments Off on Microsoft spying on you because they can!
I wasn’t surprised when I read this. You may use the usual defense that ‘you’ll be fine if you have nothing to hide’ but the BIG question is why should a private company (Microsoft) want to know your computers and hence your activities when it has nothing to do with them. More to the point if you run a rival company why would you want them stealing you’re business secrets? After all there is nothing to monitor them. – Besides how are they ever going to innovate?
I’ve come to the conclusion that all the movies and stories like Animal Farm and Metropolis are coming true and you are letting it happen.
More Media Center problems
Sat 26 May 2007Filed Under: Windows Vista | Comments Off on More Media Center problems
Since the last post on Windows media center I encountered another unexpected problem. I lost SBS! For some reason this channel no longer works. Initially I thought it was the driver but after reverting the recently updated driver – which coincided with the lost TV channel – it still wouldn’t work. I then decided to re-tune the channels – I avoided up to now as it takes over 1000 clicks to get the order correct. I was very surprised when it actually worked and I can now receive SBS. The cause of the problem remains unknown.
It may seem like the program is completely flawed but in reality it does work quite well for basic TV and recording but the interface and some basic functionality really needs a lot of work.