More Windows Vista stuff

Sat 19 May 2007

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There are good points about Vista. For example the Gadget function which is a copy of Apple’s Widgets. I like the ones on the Mac OSX and Vista equally although still not very many options. I set them in a particular order from top to bottom calendar, picture slideshow, notepad, CPU monitor and weather. The main problem with the Vista version is that it re-organises every so often. Suddenly its weather on top, picture slideshow, cpu monitor then notepad. I can’t understand why.

Vista Microsoft Media Center

Thu 17 May 2007

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What is a Windows Media Center PC?

As I discovered this is not another version of Vista but an additional program that allows you to control the computer’s multi-media functions through a remote control. So if you’re thinking of a ‘media center’ its not a version of Vista.

I also discovered that the program is not exactly the most reliable or easy to use program.

For example I could not create playlists for at least a week for some reason.

When I pressed record it just brought up another menu of options to select from – arrrrgh!

I love the actual remote control. It’s really easy to use and the button choices are intuative!

Mac OSX is still better than Vista Home Premium

Mon 14 May 2007

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I finally got a chance to ‘borrow’ a Vista PC.

I bought myself a new PC after many years because I needed one! It is a HP Pavilion which is a Media Center PC.

I use the term borrow because that is what MS likes to think its customers are doing and Media Center PC because ti comes with a TV Tuner and a remote control.

Cut to the chase I love HPs hardware and configuration it would be an excellent machine if it ran Windows XP or MacOSX. Lots of power and lots of features. So hardware aside it is the Vista OS and Media Center Software that ruins the whole experience.

I’ll post some more details over the next few months. So stay tuned.

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